Excess hair


Too much hair on your face or body can be quite problematic and can have a serious psychological and social impact on ourselves. For women, excessive hair growth can be a sign of hormonal imbalance, most frequently a condition associated with PCOS. Medically called hirsutism, excess hair might be triggered by other conditions such as adrenal gland disorders that cause higher than normal cortisol levels, medication treatment or in some cases obesity. In this condition excessive hair appears on the upper lip, chin, chest, stomach and the back. Mainly growing in places where it usually does just for men. In men, excessive hair can be usually a result of higher levels of testosterone, but in few cases, it can be medically classified as hypertrichosis. Our social life is based on human interaction therefore tightly related to our appearance and looks. Excessive hair can potentially impact the physical and social integration of the person affected, leading to isolation and in some cases depression.The presence of excess body hair can lead to feelings of self-consciousness and might affect the persons wellbeing and social life. The good news is that the appearance of hair can be easily addressed with permanent results.

Understanding and identifying excessive hair

It is important to understand and diagnose correctly the excessive or unwanted hair, medically described as hirsutism versus normal facial and body hair. The main difference is texture and body area it grows. All women have facial and body hair, but this is usually very fine and light in colour, whereas the excessive hair is usually coarse and dark and grows in places common for men: face, arms, back or chest.The growth pattern of hirsutism in women is associated with virilization. Women with this condition have characteristics that are commonly associated with male hormones. When experiencing this condition, excessive hair appears on the upper lip, chin, chest, stomach and the back. Mainly the hair is growing in places where it usually does just for men.

Does it affect men as well?

In men, excessive hair can be usually a result of higher levels of testosterone, but in few cases, it can be medically classified as hypertrichosis. Hirsutism is not the same as hypertrichosis, which refers to excess hair in areas that aren’t dependent on androgens (male hormones). Hirsutism is excess hair in areas where it’s typically seen in men, such as the face and lower abdomen. Hypertrichosis, on the other hand, can increase hair anywhere on the body.

How to treat it?

When experiencing symptoms of hirsutism, you should see your GP and get help to treat the root cause. For the appearance of the excessive hair there are different ways to choose from. Temporary methods such as shaving, waxing, threading and hair removal creams can help you deal quickly with the excessive. They’re all rapid approaches, but these are all a quick fix, that in time will end up using more and more time and effort, and without doubt cost. We have to mention here the various adverse effects like razor burn, pain, redness, irritation or folliculitis. It’s worth mentioning the environmental impact of the disposable waste created by this repetitive, temporary methods.

Our approach

The best, modern, excellent alternative is Laser hair removal. It is a permanent, minimally invasive, zero waste treatment, that will help you get rid of the unwanted hair for good. It has no down time and you can resume your normal activities as soon as your treatment has ended. Our laser hair removal treatment is able to eliminate the excessive facial and body hair and stop it from reappearing, using the latest laser hair removal technology by CUTERA. Using a combination of the gold standard laser wavelengths for hair removal, Alexandrite and ND:Yag, our laser device can remove hair on all skin types in the safest most effective high-volume way possible. Combined with the sapphire contact cooling technology, our laser delivers the most comfortable, less painful hair removal procedure available. A course of 3-6 sessions is recommended to treat the excess hair permanently. A treatment usually lasts between 30 to 60 min, depending on the area that is targeted and doesn’t involve any downtime post treatment. The laser hair removal technology is a safe, effective, high-volume hair removal treatment, suitable for all skin types.

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