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Face, neck and decolletage natural rejuvenation using HIFU

woman on a bed getting hifu treatment for face

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HIFU stands for high-intensity focused ultrasound and is the ultimate rejuvenating skin treatment. HIFU is a procedure that can be used for numerous purposes. It is ideal for skin tightening and is used to contour your body.

What is HIFU?

HIFU is a treatment that targets various depths of tissue, and it is entirely non-invasive and safe. The machine used by our experts in beauty treatments will boost collagen production. Collagen is a protein that is found in your body. It is located in your connective tissue, bones, skin, tendons, or cartilage. But, after a certain age, the production of this protein declines.

The effects of this collagen loss will make your skin look saggy. Also, it causes wrinkles and fine lines. HIFU procedure helps you with these problems, boosting the collagen in your body.

Is HIFU good for the face?

HIFU is a treatment that not only helps with collagen boost. It is also used to reduce fat. This way, you can reduce chubbier cheeks or fat deposits under the eye. The procedure is also perfect for those who want to diminish wrinkle appearance. Using the HIFU procedure, you can target crow’s feet, forehead lines, frown lines, and bunny lines. Also, the treatment is perfect for tear troughs, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and other fine lines.

Moreover, HIFU comes with many other benefits that will make you feel and look years younger.

Can HIFU slim your face?

Yes, HIFU can make your face look slimmer. The treatment is the latest rejuvenating procedure that improves your skin. The technology used is based on ultrasonic waves. Besides the lifting procedure, the treatment provides amazing results for face, neck, and chin fat deposits. You will be able to remove fat tissues without surgery.

You need to know that fat reduction is different than weight loss. This is a big misconception people have about these types of ways of reducing weight. When you lose weight, fat cells in your body shrink. They are still present in your body, but they are smaller. Therefore, when you gain weight, these cells grow back. Because of this fluctuance, as you get older, your skin loses its tightness. It cannot maintain that firmness.

On the other hand, when you use HIFU, a fat reduction procedure, these fat cells are removed. The treatment targets certain areas and destroys them. So next time you gain weight, these cells will not grow again because they do not exist.

The HIFU procedure is perfect for those who want those fat cells to be gone for good. It penetrates the skin deeper than most facial and body treatments offering you amazing results.

woman getting hifu treatment by a specialized skincare expert
HIFU is a multipurpose treatment that can target the face, neck, and decolletage

What is a HIFU neck lift?

HFU neck lift is a non-invasive treatment that doesn’t require surgical intervention. A study that took place in 2017 performed on Korean women showed that skin elasticity can be improved using HIFU. The targeted areas were cheeks, thighs, and abdomen. Studies involving larger groups showed that after 90 days, the skin’s aspect was improved.

For the neck, the procedure will target fat cells, will reduce them, and will boost collagen and elastin production.

Does HIFU help turkey neck?

HIFU treatment is one of the best procedures available to reduce turkey neck. It comes with loads of benefits because it targets fat deposits from the neck and chin area. Therefore, after a few treatments, you will begin to see the results.

If you’re thinking about tightening the neck muscles with regular exercises, you must know that these will have a great impact but won’t improve your skin appearance.

How many sessions of HIFU do you need?

If you want to see great results, you need to book more than one session. Therefore, for the first year, you must perform the treatment every six months. You should go for the procedure once a year to maintain the results.

If there are trickier areas, our specialists might recommend you to book a session every three months. The device penetrates 4.5 millimeters of your skin (SMAS skin layer) and will show great results after the first procedure. This skin layer is placed between your muscle and fat layer. The results will appear gradually and will improve over time.

If you want to get that amazing glow, HIFU treatment is the ideal BIO rejuvenating practice for you.

HIFU benefits

HIFU is a treatment that comes with a lot of benefits and can be used to treat several problems like scarring, wrinkles, or destroying fat cells.
Here are just a few reasons you should book a HIFU rejuvenating treatment right away:

  • It provides skin rejuvenation and gives you a natural look;
  • A non-surgical and non-invasive procedure, painless;
  • Penetrates skin better than any other treatment;
  • Lifts cheeks, face, chin, eyelids;
  • Boosts collagen production, smoothens your skin, and tightens it;
  • No need for healing or recovery after the treatment;
  • You can get back to your daily activities after each session.

This treatment is different from face-lifting. That is a surgical procedure that is harmful and requires recovery. It will not leave you with any scars and is not as expensive. HIFU uses ultrasound energy that makes your skin look more supple, smoother, and tightened. The treatment enhances your natural glow and rejuvenates your skin.

Does HIFU hurt?

The procedure is painless and very comfortable. It is one of the most harmless treatments out there. HIFU uses beam lights and many people describe the feeling as a tingle. The treatment pulses the light fast, with short intervals between the shots. You might experience a prickly sensation. However, the treatment is safe, painless, and tolerable. However, you might sense the treatment differently depending on the areas you want to target.

Even if the treatment is not painful, you might experience some redness or slight bruising the next day after the procedure. However, you don’t need to worry because these mild side effects will pass quickly.

Where to get HIFU?

Skinglow Clinic is one of the best places where you can get facial and body treatments. HIFU is one of the newest and most popular procedures, and we perform it efficiently and in a safe environment.

Our goal is to deliver the best customer experience. Therefore, we provide a cozy and relaxing space where you can get your facials. We have 20 years of experience, and we work with passionate specialists in the skincare field.

HIFU treatment is a face-lifting procedure that we provide at an affordable price. The treatment lasts one hour and 20 minutes and is perfect for scar reduction, fine lines, and skin rejuvenating.

You can find us in London, at 216 Kensington Park Rd, Notting Hill. Discover our ultimate HIFU face natural lifting! You can book a session right here:


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